Abacus Online Maths
Hello and welcome to the wonderful world of Abacus!
How to log into the pupil world
To log into the pupil world:
1. Click the link above.
2. Enter your login details and click “Log in”.
Once you have logged in you will arrive at your Homepage. You can personalise your home screen by choosing a world like Race World or Skate World. Which world will you choose?
“My Stuff”
This is where you can see the activities your teacher has set you. You can also see how many coins each game or activity is worth before completing it.
“My Rewards”
”My Rewards” is where you can choose your rewards after completing games and activities. You can do things like create your own avatar or decorate a tree house. There are lots of fun games to play too. Remember that the more activities you complete, the more rewards you can unlock and buy!
Need help?
If you are having trouble using the pupil world, help can be found in the Help Section of ActiveLearn (in the top right-hand corner of the login page).
Please note: Abacus strongly recommend using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers with ActiveLearn. If you prefer to use Internet Explorer, please check you have at least IE9 in order for everything to work as it should.
Please ensure ‘pop ups’ are allowed for the ActiveLearn site as each game will open in a new window.