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English Curriculum Intent

All stakeholders share the schools vision to deliver quality English lessons which will develop and inspire a love of reading, writing and discussions.


Our aim is to deliver a curriculum linked to children’s experiences and to make links with the local area/ community. We recognise the importance of phonics, particularly to form a solid foundation on which to build their reading and writing skills. Within all other subjects, there is a high expectation that children will apply their phonological knowledge along with the non-negotiable skills for each year group. We recognise that each child is unique and will learn in a different way. Therefore, a multi-sensory approach is used to deliver lessons including the use of physical books, e-books, audio books, writing with pen/ pencil and other inspiring resources linked to the topic/ genre.

The English Subject Leader is Mrs. Chase.

Useful websites

Reception recommended reads

Year 1 recommended reads

Year 2 recommended reads

Year 3 recommended reads

Year 4 recommended reads

Year 5 recommended reads

Year 6 recommended reads

Spelling links
