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A school family rooted in God’s love

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Home Reading

As part of their regular homework in class one, your child will bring home four reading books and a 'Reading Journal' which is designed to help them get the most out of their home reading experience. Two books will be aimed at developing their phonics whilst the other two will develop their comprehenion skills. Your child should be spending around 10 minutes at least 4 times a week on reading activities. This will normally mean reading their home reading book and talking about what they have read with an adult. Please sign and date the reading journal when your child has read and discussed their reading with you. Throughout the term your child will also need to complete log entries in their Reading Journal referring to the book they are reading - roughly one each week. This will vary from giving a summary of the story to describing a character. Reading books are usually changed each Tuesday.




Each week year 1 and 2 children will bring a list of spellings home.  Where appropriate a sheet of these will be sent home on Friday. Your child should learn the spellings by looking at the phonemes in the word (sounds) and by having a go at writing them, checking them and rewriting them. On Friday, there will be an assessment of the spellings. This does not always necessarily mean a 'traditional' spelling test and children are encouraged to look at the reason any have been spelt incorectly.



High Frequency word recognition

Children will be sent home a list of words in their reading journal which are considered to be the words they will come accross most frequently. Children should be encouraged to initally look at the phonemes in a word (the sounds), then say the sounds and then blend them together. After practise and as they become more familiar with the word they will recognise it with no need to sound it out. 


Mathematics (Abacus)

The National Numeracy Strategy suggests that by the end of Year 2 children should have instant recall of the 2, 5 and 10 times tables! They should also have instant recall of the division facts associated with that table i.e. 30 divided by 10 = 3. Your assistance in this would be greatly appreciated. We will check tables knowledge in numeracy lessons.

Each week a game will be set on the Abacus system with the aim to reinforce the weekly maths focus at home for Year 1 and 2 children.


Other activities may be sent home when appropriate. These may include topic research or science investigations.



Just a reminder that your child should have a full PE kit in school every day. Whilst we have specific timetabled slots for PE on Wednesday and Friday, the lessons are never exclusively held on these days and are dependant on the weather.


If you require any further information or advice, please do not hesitate to contact us as we are always there to help.
