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PE and Sport Premium

The subject leader for PE is Mrs Culshaw

At Brindle St. James we have always placed a high importance on our PE and sports provision and although we are a small school, we pride ourselves in the sporting opportunities we have provided and the achievements our children have made.  We endeavour to give our children opportunities to experience different sporting challenges as they move through school and to develop their talents.

The government’s commitment to provide new funding for Primary PE and Sport means that we can develop and enhance our provision in school yet further.  

The government’s commitment to provide new funding for Primary PE and Sport means that we can develop and enhance our provision in school yet further.  

PE and Sports Premium Action Plans and Evaluations

Physical Education - Curriculum

We are passionate about providing the highest quality of PE lessons for our children at Brindle st James'. Each week, all children are taught PE for 2 hours. We have a sports coach, from Chorley School Sports Partnership, working in school every Friday afternoon (12.30pm - 4.30pm), supporting our delivery of high quality PE lessons. 

In addition, children from Year 2 to Year 4 will attend swimming sessions in the second half of the school year (February - July). 

Our PE policy below has more information. 

Brindle St James' Curriculum Intent for PE


Early Years – The INTENT in the Foundation stage is to focus on developing gross and fine motor skills. We focus on teaching children the 5 fundamental skill which include to jump and land safely, egg roll, pencil roll, roll a ball and to throw underarm. These 5 skills along with opportunities to develop a wider range of physical skills will ensure they are ready for KS1 PE.


Key Stage 1 – (Year 1 Baseline) The INTENT in year 1 is to carry out a baseline of 10 Fundamental Movement Skills as the children enter year 1 ncluding catching, running, hopping, skipping, jumping, throw over arm/ under arm, roll a ball, bounce a ball and kick a ball. From this baseline the teacher can design or adapt their PE curriculum and have a focus on the FMS the children are less proficient in.


During Key Stage 1 – The INTENT during KS1 is to continue to develop the children’s FMS especially their weaker ones and also to teach children HOW to apply these skills in a context. Specific sports are not taught and instead the children should develop their knowledge in using simple tactics in game type activities and creating sequences of movement in gymnastic and dance type activities. This is delivered through the relevant Core Tasks.


End of Key Stage 1 – The INTENT at the end of KS1 is to test the children’s 10 Fundamental Movement Skills again. This will show the impact on their performance of their FMS and which skills they have Mastered. This information can then be shared with the year 3 teacher.


Lower Key Stage 2 – The INTENT at year 3 and 4 in games is to develop children’s attacking skills through a range of different sports and activities. However, this will be delivered through uneven sides, i.e. 3V1, 4V2. They will also develop their knowledge of simple attacking tactics, which are transferable across similar categories of games. i.e. (Target, Invasion games, Net/Wall, Target and Striking and Fielding) The INTENT at year 3 and 4 in dance and gymnastics is to develop children’s performance and sequencing skills. All the skills are applied through the relevant Core Tasks which are linked to age expectations. The INTENT in swimming is for children to be able to swim 25 meters using a range of strokes and to perform a self-rescue.


Upper Key Stage 2 – The INTENT at year 5 and 6 in games is to continue to develop children’s attacking skills when they are working as a team and to develop their knowledge of defending strategies. These will be delivered through modified mini-versions from uneven sides to even sides, i.e. 5V3, 5V4, 4V4, 5V5 etc. The learning the children receive through the different categories of games leads to playing an intra and inter school games competition. The INTENT at year 5 and 6 in dance and gymnastics is to develop children’s performance and composing longer sequences of movements with a partner and group. All the skills are applied through the relevant Core Tasks, which are linked to age expectations. The INTENT for children who have not met the swimming expectation is that they attend additional swimming sessions which may be in smaller groups dependent upon the child’s needs.


At Brindle St James’ one PE lesson each week is delivered by highly skilled and qualified coaches from Chorley Sports Partnership who deliver lessons following our long term plan whilst providing CPD for teachers within school. All children access 2 hours of PE each week with the second lesson often being taught by the Headteacher who is also the subject coordinator.

PE at Brindle St James’ is delivered through character development, with each unit seeking to develop the whole child and having a cross curricular impact. Examples include decision making, trust and honesty. The long term plan is bespoke each year and whilst making sure all areas of the curriculum are covered, it is adapted and changed to suit the needs of the children. Using the long term plan and progression of skills and knowledge, children repeat activities building in difficulty and complexity.

Children are encouraged to make sports part of their every day lives with 30 minutes of physical activity built into the school day and physical activity videos sent home each week. At Brindle St James’ all children will have the opportunity to take part in an annual competition or festival, usually in a specialist sports facility or high school. In addition, swimming usually happens from EYFS through to year 4 except this year due to Covid-19 catch up.



The children at Brindle St James’ are confident and well skilled in a variety of sports. Most children make good progress and where they do not, support is put into place. Attainment in physical activity skills have been assessed and closely monitored by Chorley Sports Partnership providing staff with a clear view of how a child can physically develop. Physical Education has a positive impact upon subjects beyond this, due to the development of a child’s character, their posture/ core strength and fine motor skills to name a few.

Enrichment in PE and Extra Curricular
