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Early Years Foundation Stage

Early childhood is the foundation on which children build the rest of their lives. Starting school is an important step. At Brindle St James’ we have a carefully planned pre-school induction programme to make the transition from home to school sensitive and appropriate to the needs of the child and parent. Learning takes place in a secure and stimulating environment where first hand learning experiences encourage the development of imagination, creativity and the enjoyment of learning.

There are seven areas of learning in the Foundation Stage curriculum – 3 Prime areas and 4 Specific areas


Prime areas

• Communication and language

• Physical development

• Personal, social and emotional development

Specific area

• Literacy

• Mathematics

• Understanding the world

• Expressive arts and design


What children can do, rather than what they cannot do are the starting points in learning. Structured play is important, as playing and speaking are the main ways through which young children learn about themselves and the world around them. Children gain confidence, develop relationships with adults and other children and are encouraged to think for themselves and act independently. There is daily informal contact between the Reception teacher and parents.

Assessment is by a range of strategies, the most important being daily detailed observations. The view of parents and their observations on their child’s adjustment to school life and a more formal educative process is valued and there is much liaison between school and  home. The Early Learning Goals from the Foundation Stage form the basis of curriculum planning and delivery.

Above all learning should be fun. At Brindle St James’ we endeavour to ensure the children enjoy their time with us.


Phonics and Reading Scheme 

At Brindle St James' we follow Super Sonic Phonics (validated scheme) and our selection of home and guided reading books carefully follow what has been taught each week. 
