Maths Curriculum Intent:
Our maths curriculum is designed with the schools’ vision and ethos at the centre. We aim through our Mathematics curriculum to ensure that our children experience ‘a family rooted in God's love'.
Through an environment of Christian love and support, we aim that our children will become confident and independent mathematicians. Using our curriculum driver of Growth Mindset, mistakes in maths are celebrated and used as valuable learning points where independence and resilience grow. Children have opportunities to share their learning with their peers, school and wider community. Through thoughtful questioning and modelling, children's independence is developed and nurtured. And, by taking part in mathematical investigations and problem solving, children are provided with opportunities for deeper learning. Which, in turn, allow children to share their skills and build respect for all our differing abilities.
Maths Curriculum Implementation:
Mathematics is taught using the long term planning from Pearson's Abacus in Years 1 - 6 and White Rose Maths in Reception. These long term plans are carefully sequenced and used as a basis for teachers to personalise learning for cohorts. The interweaved curriculum means that aspects are revisited ensuring 'sticky learning' and retention whilst providing ample opportunities for deeper learning. Maths is taught in manageable steps which allows children to draw connections between mathematical concepts, strengthening their understanding.
Practical equipment, used at every stage of learning and regardless of ability, plays a vital role in mathematics in our school. Children who see questions practically and with visual representations have a deeper conceptual understanding and this unlocks the mathematics. New procedures are carefully modelled with practical representations to support such understanding.
During teaching time, children will work in ability as well as mixed ability groups. There are ample opportunities to share thinking with a partner. Teachers ask carefully thought-out questions and children have time to work and feedback. Emphasis is placed how children have arrived at the answer or how many ways they could arrive at the answer. In this way, children will demonstrate a clear and deep understanding of the concept they have learnt. They will also learn to communicate their thinking in maths clearly and work systematically to arrive at all possibilities.
All our children are taught in mixed age classes. Abacus seamlessly matches year group objectives ensuring that each year group's learning is taught effectively, drawing strong links of mathematical understanding across year groups. Often, the two year groups are taught together where the younger year group starts their independent activity first in order for the teacher to further the learning for the older year group.
Reception maths lessons are based upon the White Rose Reception scheme which is written for the new EYFS curriculum of 2021. Children are taught as a single year group through the ethos of the EYFS whist enabling teachers to embed mathematical talk and thinking. Key mathematical concepts are revisited and developed throughout the year. Key models, practical equipment and representations are carried though to Year 1 ensuring continuity and flow throughout school.
Due to the outbreak of Covid 19, teachers are aware that children may have gaps in their learning. Our remote curriculum ensured that the long term plan for mathematics was also delivered remotely, minimising the areas of maths which were not taught. Careful evaluation of children's gaps in understanding was carried out, with additional lessons or support put in place where necessary.
Teachers and teaching assistants, circulate effectively during activities to provide immediate feedback to groups of learners or work with specific groups of learners to further develop their understanding. Intervention is conducted as soon as possible in order to close gaps quickly and, where necessary, pre-teaching is used to boost confidence and understanding prior to a lesson.
Children who are working at a greater depth, have the opportunity through carefully selected questions to further their thinking. Lessons are not about pace but about deepening understanding. Problem solving, application of skills and open ended investigations are used to achieve this.
Pupils with SEND, who are working significantly below age-related expectations, are taught using a tailored approach that is right for their specific need.
A fluent recall of the mathematical skills is a key area of mathematics which will support children though into adult life. We have fluency sessions at the start of out maths lessons, which gives children the opportunity to recall/embed previous learning and hone their skills. Our fluency sessions are based around fluent recall and reasoning. Children are encouraged in these sessions to make those vital connections and relationships between numbers. We know this because… being a key phrase.
Impact of our approach to mathematics is regularly and carefully monitored. Formative Assessments are conducted at the end of every lesson and are used to inform future planning. Termly assessments are used to assess mathematical proficiency across the units taught throughout the term. This allows teachers again to accurately future plan for the needs of their children.
The subject leader regularly monitors the teaching of mathematics through learning walkthroughs, books looks and talking with the children. A focused action plan has been written in order to move the subject forward.
Our children should leave school being high school ready with a love for mathematics. They calculate with confidence and do not have a reliance on formal, written calculation to solve problems. They have a positive, can do attitude to mathematics and attack challenges with independence and resilience.
The maths Subject Leader is Ms Latimer