
School Name


A school family rooted in God’s love

Interactive Bar

Class 3 Gallery


The Ancient Maya Civilisation 


On Wednesday 8th September, we welcomed Dr. Diane Davies to our class for a morning workshop to start our Autumn Term topic on the Ancient Maya. We were inspired to learn more as she described her work in the rainforest of Guatemala. We were very privileged to explore her many Maya artefacts and make our own Maya calendar.

STEM Robotics

Design and Technology

Class 3 had lots of fun designing and making Christmas stockings to sell for the school enterprise day. Thank you to everyone for your support.

Community Action

Class 3 had a super time making chocolate reindeer to sell and raise money for Pencott School in Africa.

Christmas Party

Lots of great artistic talent in Class 3!

Shakespeare Workshop

On 23rd February Class 3 immersed themselves in the world of Shakespeare's Macbeth with Peter Kennedy. What an inspiring way to start our English Unit.

World Book Day in Class 3

Re-enacting a Seder Meal for Passover

Eucharist RE in church with Reverend Margaret

Community Action Day Spring Term

