Welcome to Class 3
Welcome to Class 3.
Welcome back to all of the Year 6 children and a very warm welcome to the Year 5 children.
Class 3 Staff
Class 3 teachers are: Mrs. Culshaw (class teacher on Monday)
Mrs. Chase (class teacher Tuesday - Friday)
Class Teaching Assistants: Mrs. Cann (Tuesday - Thursday mornings)
Miss. Partington (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday Friday mornings)
Mrs. Morley (Friday morning)
Each week the children will be expected to complete these tasks:
- An appropriate maths task set on Active Learn. This task will match the work that they are covering in maths lessons.
- Reading of 20 mins 4 times per week. We would expect an adult at home to sign and date these in their child's reading jotter.
- A reading task of their choosing completed to an expected standard in their reading jotter.
- Spelling words from their individual spelling list.
All home work is expected to be handed in on Tuesday morning.
Other homework tasks may be occasionally set for other subjects.
The children have a homework jotter that they can record the weekly homework tasks in if they would like to.
PE days are Wednesday and Friday. Occasionally throughout the year there will be other PE activity days when the children will be required to attend school wearing the full PE kit appropriate to the season.
PE kits:
- Yellow school T shirt
- Blue hoodie
- Blue or black plain tracksuit bottoms or shorts of appropriate length
- Trainers or pumps